Meet the Team | JP

Meet the Team | JP

Meet JP, our CFO and Co-Founder. He is a fan of vintage flatware and copper, and loves to work on creating custom furniture pieces. In his spare time, he loves to golf, spend time with his family, and do any and all activities outdoors. Read on to get to know him better and stop by the Concord shop to say hi.  
Andie Furber
Team Work | Our Partnership with Pledge

Team Work | Our Partnership with Pledge

Today we are excited to celebrate our tenth year by beginning a partnership with Pledge, an organization that allows us to donate a portion of each sale to ten causes, each one chosen by one of our team members.  
Laurie Furber
Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Mother's Day Gift Guide

All mamans certainly deserve to be celebrated for their fierce and selfless love every day, but we're not opposed to having a special day each year where we can show our appreciation with acts of service and special gifts.
Sepi Shokouh
The Only Brunch Recipe You’ll Need this Spring

The Only Brunch Recipe You'll Need this Spring

In anticipation of warmer weather and taking meals outside in the garden, Terra has channeled her creative energy into recipe testing to find the perfect brunch recipes for spring.
Sepi Shokouh
A Peek Inside | EG Home Offices

A Peek Inside | EG Home Offices

Take a peek at the EG teams at-home work spaces.
Sepi Shokouh
When the Sun Crosses

When the Sun Crosses

The seasonal transition between winter and spring may be our favorite.  The vernal equinox occurs when the sun crosses the equator moving from the southern towards the northern hemisphere. Each day after the spring equinox, our days are filled with more light and feel seemingly longer.
Sepi Shokouh
The History of Block Print

The History of Block Print

Block printing is an art form that originated in China over 4,000 years ago, and later spread throughout Asia and the rest of the world. Eventually, India became the epicenter of block printing.
Isabella Furber
The History of the Crapaud Chair

The History of the Crapaud Chair

The Crapaud Chair originated as part of the Second Empire style, often referred to as Napoleon III style in the mid 1800s. The style was known for being highly eclectic, combining both historical and modern elements in a new, and innovative way. One of the primary principles in the interior design of this era, was to leave no space undecorated, maintaining a strong emphasis on colour. In this case, less certainly was not more. 
Isabella Furber
The History of Brass

The History of Brass

Brass is a metal composed of both copper and zinc. The ratio of each of these metals to each other determines the shade of the brass, as it varies from a dark reddish-brown colour to a white-silvery yellow. 
Isabella Furber
Harlow James | Valentine Gift Edit

Harlow James | Valentine Gift Edit

We don't mean to brag, but we think our friends have beautiful taste.  

Chrissy Hunter is a Sausalito based interior designer.  .  Her time attending SCAD and scouring antique shops in Savannah has honed her editor's eye, so her blog Harlow James is always filled with fresh ideas and inspiration.  

Laurie Furber
Chantal Lamers | Valentine Gift Edit

Chantal Lamers | Valentine Gift Edit

We don't mean to brag, but we think our friends have beautiful taste.  

Chantal Lamers is a writer and magazine editor and expert curator of home and lifestyle inspiration.  We love her chic and unique vintage style.  

Laurie Furber
Alicia Lund | Valentine Gift Edit

Alicia Lund | Valentine Gift Edit

We don't mean to brag, but we think our friends have beautiful taste.  
Alicia Lund, curator of Cheetah is the New Black has a chic, classic style that combines all our favorite things:  design, fashion, food, music.  
Laurie Furber


Welcome to the Elsie Green Podcast where our host Andie and her guests discuss design, travel, fashion, beauty and other beautiful things in life.