Since we started Elsie Green, we've always given time or money to causes that tug at our heartstrings.  We believe in sharing our abundance, however small in some years, and we believe generosity will pay us back in ways that can't be measured with the usual outward signs of success.   

As our team has grown, we've decided to take a more inclusive approach and allow our team members to help guide those donations.   

Today we are excited to celebrate our tenth year by beginning a partnership with Pledge, an organization that allows us to donate a portion of every sale to worthy causes, each one chosen by one of our team members. Each cause is deeply personal to the team member who chose it.  Ask when you're in the shop and we're happy to share our stories.    

Laurie | Smile Train
Sepi | Room to Read
Anna |  Donors Choose
Erin | Sister Web

Paulina | Big Brothers Big Sisters of America

In addition, The Loveland Foundation will receive a portion of our donation. 

Donations are calculated as a percentage of our sales and are paid monthly to the organizations, so literally each item sold does some good. 

Thank you to all of you who have been with us from the beginning, who are just discovering us now, and everyone in between.  Without you, we would not be able to support these organizations that are so close to each of our hearts.  

Meet the Team

Our Donations

About Us 

Laurie Furber
Tagged: meet the team