Etcetera | Our Blog
Water Babies
m not big on fortune tellers, and quite frankly I am afraid of Tarot Cards. But I do believe strongly in the personality types defined by astrological signs. I'm an Aquarius. My grandma was an Aquarius. My brother-in-law, my nephew and my niece are Aquarians. I share my birthday with Darren Criss and Cristiano Ronaldo. I like to think we all have some things in common.
Girl Power
When we retired from our corporate jobs and started Elsie Green, JP and I envisioned a second act that would allow us to travel the world, spend our days together, be home for dinner with our family every night. Mission accomplished, for the most part. There have been many twists and turns in the road these last six years, but JP and I are living a quality of life that has less to do with money and more to do with experiences, relationships, and time well spent.