stack of french books in window

Checking In | Diary of a Digital Detox

We like to challenge ourselves in the new year.  And the screen time report Apple delivers each week got us thinking - what if we went off the grid for a day? Would we miss the constant stimulation or would the break be a welcome relief?  
Laurie Furber
woman with french graffiti paris

Sepi's Digital Detox Diary

Curious to explore their relationships with technology, Kelsey, Sepi and Laurie each took one day off from all their devices. Read on for the results.  
Laurie Furber
woman with flowers

Love Stories | Gena Banducci

A conversation on love with Gena Banducci, our favorite San Francisco based floral designer and co-founder of Marigold.
Laurie Furber
woman glowing

Love Stories | Emma Loughridge

Thoughts on one of our favorite topics. Read more on love from our dear friend, Emma Loughridge.
Laurie Furber
woman pouring wine

Love Stories | Anika Murthy

Thoughts on one of our favorite topics by some of our dearest friends. Read more on love from Anika Murthy
Laurie Furber
siblings hugging

What is Home?

I have never been one to get too attached to a physical building as my home.  My family moved every four years or so when I was young and my parents taught me that wherever my people were, that was my home.
Laurie Furber
desk in front of book shelf

Elsie's Eight: January Edition

Elsie's January Round up
Kelsey Schmidt
Thanksgiving | 2020 Edition

Thanksgiving | 2020 Edition

If you had told me mid-march that we’d still be in quarantine, I would have lost my mind. But here we are, still facing all the challenges of 2020 with Thanksgiving approaching. 
Laurie Furber
woman leaning on wall

Re-inventing Retirement

Thoughts on what retirement means to an entrepreneur.
Laurie Furber
able shoppe

Elsie Green x Able Shoppe

Meet Liv, the founder of Able Shoppe and owner of a beautiful home on the outskirts of Chicago.
Laurie Furber

Our Favorite Sleep Meditations

See our favorite guided meditations for a restful sleep.
Laurie Furber
Chasing Courage

Chasing Courage

I must assume that I have fewer years ahead of me than I have behind me, and I feel an urgency to make the most of what's left.  I find myself thinking a lot about what I'd like to accomplish and what has propelled me to achieve my goals in the past.  And I have realized it boils down to either discipline or courage.   
Laurie Furber


Welcome to the Elsie Green Podcast where our host Andie and her guests discuss design, travel, fashion, beauty and other beautiful things in life.