We're self-proclaimed romantics at heart and embrace love in all of its forms. Whether it be romantic love between partners, a love nurtured between friends old and new, love solidified by familial ties, or love of self, we often find ourselves in awe of the ways that love can present itself.
For our Love Stories segment, we chatted with our dearest friends about love felt, shared, and expressed in their lives.
Continue reading for our conversation with Gena Banducci, our favorite San Francisco based florist and co-founder of Marigold, a beautifully curated floral shop and design studio(with a cafe coming soon!) in San Francisco's Mission district.
photographs taken by Freda Banks. see more from Gena and Andrés beautiful day here.
What makes you feel loved?
The little things. The notes Andrés leaves me on the front door to remind me to grab my lunch, the text in the middle of the day letting me know he’s thinking of me, but especially the coffee he brings me in bed every single morning without fail.
How do you show or express love to your dearest people?
Quality time together. Especially now that we are able to start safely gathering again, seeing loved ones for a meal at home or game night feels so special. And flowers! I love bringing friends and family flowers. To me that’s saying how much I love you.
What is your favorite form of self care and/or self love?
Down time. Work always keeps me busy and involves a lot of physical labor, especially during wedding season. Baths, quiet Sundays without plans, and walks without my phone to unwind.
What is something that has surprised you about love?
How much it can grow and evolve. Andrés and I are expecting our first baby this spring and my love for him has only grown as my pregnancy progresses and we plan for this next chapter together. I can already tell what an amazing father he’s going to be and that’s a whole new level of love. Also how much we already love this little baby we haven’t even met yet is pretty magical.
Gena's Gift Edit
An Elsie Green gift you’d like to give for Valentine’s Day?
As a florist I am always on the hunt for the perfect vase. I would gift vintage hazelnut oil bottles for someone to enjoy a few simple blooms on their windowsill or bedside table.
An Elsie Green gift you’d love to receive for Valentine’s Day?
The Moroccan baskets! We are in full nesting mode over here and find that baskets are the perfect catch all for all things baby.

Follow Gena on instagram @genawinter and visit Marigold for pretty flowers and a dose of inspiration next time you're in San Francisco.