Photo Essay I Alex Marshall China

Photo Essay I Alex Marshall China

Alex Marshall makes the most perfect staple ceramics. Each of them are made by hand, and have unique features that make them special. We love the colour ways and subtle patterns that Alex Marshall chooses for her pieces too. Pick your favorite. 
Isabella Furber
Moroccan Tea Ritual

Moroccan Tea Ritual

Although the Morrocan Tea ritual is a tradition practiced to conclude meal times, it is also be practiced in isolation at various times of day. Often before or after school or the wok day or when guests come to the house. It is an act of love, and hospitality, and a reminder to take a minute to unwind, and connect with those that you appreciate. 
Laurie Furber
Photo Essay | Moroccan Glass

Photo Essay | Moroccan Glass

We think moroccan glass is so special. Each piece is hand blown and made from recycled glass. They are perfect for both warm and cold beverages, and come in different shapes and sizes. 
Laurie Furber
Caring for your Vintage Furniture

Caring for your Vintage Furniture

A good vintage piece can last for generations if it is properly cared for. Here are a few of our tips. 
Laurie Furber
Photo Essay I Champagne Flute

Photo Essay I Champagne Flute

Champagne flutes are so special. They remind us of all the little moments that call for celebration, both big and small. A glass of champagne to celebrate a big promotion or the start of a new year, or a mimosa on Sunday morning just because. You choose. 
Isabella Furber
How It's Made I Block Print

How It's Made I Block Print

Block print is a beautiful art form that is produced through the carving of wooden blocks. A seperate block is carved for each part of the pattern, meaning most textiles require the carving of various blocks to produce a finished block print. It is a trade that is typically passed down and learned from elder family members. 
Isabella Furber

Origin of the Champagne Flute

Champagne flutes were first introduced in the 1950's. The skinny, tapered shape of the glasses were thought to prevent spillage and to preserve the bubbles longer than the alternative, champagne coupes. 
Laurie Furber
Champagne Coupes Versus Champagne Flutes

Champagne Coupes Versus Champagne Flutes

The age old question of which style of glass is superior, the champagne coupe or the champagne flute? The answer, well it depends. 
Isabella Furber
The History of the Baumann Dining Chair

The History of the Baumann Dining Chair

Baumann was founded by a Swiss man named Emile Baumann, in France in 1901. Although the company originally produced only small, simple chairs for children, they proved successful and began to expand their range. They were later introduced to showrooms across France. 
Isabella Furber
All About Alex Marshall China

All About Alex Marshall China

Alex Marshall is a California-based designer that specialises in ceramics sculpture and painting. Her work is functional, and pretty to look at, and known for its distinct organic shapes and earthy tones. 
Isabella Furber
How it's Made I Moroccan Basket

How it's Made I Moroccan Basket

Basket making has always been an important source of income for rural Moroccan villagers. As the style has become more popular internationally, many artisans have taken on the craft on a full time basis as means of meeting the growing demand and interest for Moroccan baskets. 
Isabella Furber
Photo Essay I Vintage Farm Bench

Photo Essay I Vintage Farm Bench

Benches!  We love them.  They're great in every room of the house for seating, storage and display. We have rounded up a few inspiration photos for how to style your vintage farm bench. Take a peek!
Isabella Furber


Welcome to the Elsie Green Podcast where our host Andie and her guests discuss design, travel, fashion, beauty and other beautiful things in life.