Vintage French canning jars are a staple in our homes. The special place they hold in our hearts may be tied to the story about how we first found them. On one of our many trips to France, we met a gentleman at a brocante in Le Mans who was a collector. After a lovely discussion about shared interests and passions, we somehow managed to get ourselves invited back to his farmhouse where he gave us access to the most impressive and beautiful collection of vintage French canning jars we'd ever come across.

Each uniquely beautiful, our vintage French canning jars are made from heavy glass with metal hinges. Now retired from their original use of canning, we love to utilize them in a variety of ways. They are a chic storage solution for vintage flatware or cooking utensils. They also serve as pretty vessels for foraged flowers, but we even think they look lovely on their own showcased as decorative accents on an open shelf or styled in a cabinet.

Shop Vintage Canning Jars Here >

xx, The Elsie Team
Sepi Shokouh