You can’t help but be an artist or a curator of some kind if you work at elsie green. So we all have a special place in our hearts and our homes for the unique pieces of art that we find in our travels.

Each month, we'll be featuring a monthly curator whose selected art edit will be on exhibit at The Annex. Our featured curator for the month of May is Sepi, our marketing manager and editor of Etcetera. Read along for her perspective on art as well as a bit of advice for those who are just beginning their collections.

Do you have a favorite art medium? If so, what is it?
While I love photography, the mediums that I find myself most enamored by are sculpture and painting. What I admire most is a sculptors ability to make a hard material like marble look soft.
What was the first piece of art you invested in?
The first piece of art I invested in was a vintage portrait oil painting from Elsie Green. The portrait very closely resembled one of my sweetest cousins from Iran and I just had to have it as a reminder of her.
What is your most cherished piece from your personal collection?
My choice feels a bit random, but I'd have to say a vintage Rothko print from a past exhibition in Amsterdam that I found at the Alameda Flea Market nearly ten years ago.
Do you have a favorite artist?
Rothko and Rodin.
The most memorable museum or exhibit you've experienced?
This is so hard for me to choose, so i'll share a recent experience that i'll be thinking about for years. On my most recent trip to Paris with Elsie Green we spent a day visiting some of favorite museums. After strolling through Musée Rodin and it's beautiful gardens, we visited Musée l'Orangerie to view Monet's Water Lilies. I came prepared with my airpods and my Museum Music playlist. I experienced such a peaceful hour spent admiring and examining Monet's beautiful work while listening to Recomposed by Max Richter: Vivaldi, The Four Seasons. It was such a magical experience and I felt so centered in that moment.
Any advice for someone who is just starting their art collection?
Start slow. Fill your collection with a balanced selection of pieces that are sentimental and pieces that you simply find beautiful and inspiring.