This year, December is bound to be quite different, as most months of 2020 have been.    But I hope to preserve as many of my rituals and traditions as I can, and to spread as much generosity, love and kindness as I can along the way.  Even if we’re not hosting parties, it’s fun to dream.  And even a small family dinner can be made into a special occasion.  I hope this guide gives you a bit of inspiration to create some special moments and memories in a time when we all need to feel something special.    

This is the last Christmas before my youngest goes off to college, and will likely be the last Christmas that all three of my children will be living in my house.   It doesn't feel like the perfect time to roll out a host of new traditions.  This feels like the year I want to see one more Christmas concert in the city with my daughters. 

But perhaps this will be the year we create some new traditions.  And some simpler, more meaningful moments in between.  Sometimes a lack of busy-ness creates space to enjoy the smaller moments that are not so much camera ready, but still just as memorable. 

I think every day about what 2020 will feel like in retrospect.  I am hopeful that we'll all look back on this year and find gratitude in the quiet moments that have filled the spaces where concerts, holiday parties and dinners out used to be.  And that we have learned to treat our family members with as much fanfare as we treat guests for a dinner party.  

For this holiday season, let's use the good china on a Wednesday morning, dress up for family dinner, and make online Christmas shopping a fun event with snacks, drinks and music.  

We hope you enjoy this inspiration guide as much as we enjoyed making it for you.  Happy, happy holidays from all your friends at Elsie Green. 

For more holiday inspiration, take a peek at these posts >


Laurie Furber
Tagged: design