elsie green back to school adult edition

Here at Elsie Green, we have cultivated a culture of extreme inspiration - good books, delicious recipes, photographs, films, and any and everything in between. 
As summer winds down (how is it already time to say that?), it's time to embrace the excitement of "back to school shopping" – but with a grown-up twist. Why should your kids have all the fun?
Swap out the backpacks for stylish leather totes and a pair of sneakers you've been coveting. Refresh your home office and closet with our round up of the things on our "back to school" list that will make heading into the new season a breeze.
If anything, we hope this monthly round-up of some of the things our shop girls have been obsessing over serves as a reminder to slow down, be present and enjoy the beauty in the simple things.
Elsie green elsie’s eight august edition adult back to school shopping
Elsie green elsie’s eight august edition adult back to school shopping
Elsie green elsie’s eight august edition adult back to school shopping
Elsie green elsie’s eight august edition adult back to school shopping
Elsie green elsie’s eight august edition adult back to school shopping
elsie green elsie's eight august edition adult back to school
Elsie green elsie’s eight august edition adult back to school shopping
Elsie green elsie’s eight august edition adult back to school shopping
Kelsey Schmidt