Nurturing hobbies outside work is essential when you work in a creative field. If we don't take time to fill up the well of inspiration, it runs dry.
We sat down with our Marketing Director, Kelsey, to chat about her love of photography. Keep reading to see how she got started and her advice for anyone who’s considering picking up a new hobby.
When did you take up photography as a hobby?
I inherited this hobby from my mother. It was something we kind of learned to do together which was really fun to share. I will forever be grateful to Elsie Green for pushing me head first into photography for the shop. Touching a camera every single day and learning to use Lightroom have elevated my photography style more than I can really ever put into words. I feel so fortunate that one of my hobbies is now my job.
How do you feel when you're out with your camera?
Having my camera with me forces me to slow down and be present. To capture a moment you have to be intentional, thinking about the scene, the composition, the camera settings, the subject. I have a hard time staying present in every day life - the worries of yesterday and tomorrow always seem to get in the way. So when I am out shooting, I feel very grounded and in the moment.
What are you currently shooting with?
I mostly shoot film! I have a canon ae-1 and a Pentax Asahi point and shoot. I love the look of film and the physicality of it - putting the film in, advancing it after every shot and also the surprise when you get it developed. You never really know what you’re going to get.
Do you have a favorite subject when you're shooting?
Usually my son! He’s a goof and I love to capture sweet little moments with him. Other than that, I’d say classic cars are probably my favorite thing to shoot. Probably because I just want to be driving them instead of just looking.
What is your favorite thing about photography?
There is always something to learn! I feel like I will be honing my art for the rest of my life and I absolutely love that. There will never be a time when it is stagnant or that I have learned everything there is to learn. My mind likes the challenge of that.
Advice to anyone who is thinking about starting a new hobby?
Just start! You don’t have to know what you’re doing. Just pick up your camera and go shoot whatever speaks to you. I can’t tell you how many rolls of film I wasted over the course of a year as I tried to learn how to shoot film. Practice makes perfect.