painted ladies

City Guide | San Franscisco

It's always fun to play tourist in your own city.
Laurie Furber
woman walking on street

Curator Spotlight | Laurie

Our featured curator for the month of March is Laurie, founder and creative director of Elsie Green. Read along for her perspective on art and advice for those who are just beginning their collections.
Laurie Furber
moody apartment

How Matthew James Chooses Art for his Moody, Brooklyn Apartment

Art can enhance a space, elicit a certain reaction or memory and its typically one of the last touches added when finishing a room. Thats why the art Ive chosen for my Brooklyn apartment holds a special place in my heart. Each artwork hanging on my walls has helped transform the space I call home.
Laurie Furber
I'm Your Cherry Blossom Baby | Spring Travel Diary

I'm Your Cherry Blossom Baby | Spring Travel Diary

| photography by andie furber |

After a long, cold winter in New York City, there is nothing I'm looking forward to than the first glimpse of spring blossoms. My window overlooks a very large row of trees that are so close to the glass it almost feels like they're reaching into my bedroom. Since it's winter, the branches are bare, and I am anxiously waiting to see them bloom.

Andie Furber
stack of french books in window

Checking In | Diary of a Digital Detox

We like to challenge ourselves in the new year.  And the screen time report Apple delivers each week got us thinking - what if we went off the grid for a day? Would we miss the constant stimulation or would the break be a welcome relief?  
Laurie Furber
apartment stoop

36 Hours in Hudson

Our road trip is a whirlwind.  We arrived in Hudson at about 5pm on Friday evening and planned to arrive in Cape Cod at 4pm on Sunday.  So we had to have a plan.  We decided our priorities in Hudson were to eat well, drink well, learn a little about the area, and leave inspired.  Simple.
Laurie Furber
hotel saint cecilia austin texas

Repeat Visitor | An Ode to Hotel Saint Cecilia

I rarely stay in the same hotel twice.  I see hotels and restaurants as wells of inspiration, and I typically believe that part of the fun of travel is experiencing new hotels, restaurants, museums and sites whenever I visit a city.
Laurie Furber
floor pillows

Elsie Green's City Guides

When we travel, we like to immerse ourselves in the local culture.  No American chain hotels or restaurants, no tourist traps.  We get lost exploring hidden alleys and lug ourselves and our suitcases up flights of stone steps in small local hotels without elevators.  And we always request the menu in the local language.
Laurie Furber
victorians blossoming trees vintage car

Playing Tourist

Have you noticed a theme?  This spring we’re focused on simplicity, and enjoying what is right in front of us.  And that applies to travel.  it’s not lost on us that the Elsie Green team is  based in some of the most beautiful cities in the world:  San Francisco, Lyon, Seattle, New York, Sydney.  
Laurie Furber
woman with french graffiti paris

Sepi's Digital Detox Diary

Curious to explore their relationships with technology, Kelsey, Sepi and Laurie each took one day off from all their devices. Read on for the results.  
Laurie Furber

Five Refreshing Mocktails with Seasonal Spring Ingredients

Springtime is all about hydration. So this season, we are trading our cocktails for non-alcoholic elixirs or mocktails. They are just as delicious, but will leave you feeling a bit more refreshed. Both in the moment, and in the morning. 

We have have been on the hunt for the best recipes made with fresh, seasonal ingredients. Here are our top picks x 

Laurie Furber

Every Style of Glassware You Need for Your At Home Bar

Your home bar glassware collection does not have to be plentiful to be complete. A combination of a few staple pieces that can be used for various drinks will do the trick. In other words, a short glass, a tall glass and a glass with a stem. 
Laurie Furber


Welcome to the Elsie Green Podcast where our host Andie and her guests discuss design, travel, fashion, beauty and other beautiful things in life.